Top Packaging Trends of 2024 t Top Packaging Trends of 2024
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Top Packaging Trends of 2024


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Top Packaging Trends of 2024

Although we're already mid-way through 2024, new packaging trends continue to emerge that will shape the packaging industry through December and beyond. This year's packaging industry trends range from the purely functional to more design oriented; regardless, the packaging industry and the packaging companies within it are keeping an eye on the trends so they can create new packaging processes to meet demand.

In this blog, we'll dive into this year's top packaging trends we're seeing among our customers and how packaging design and the packaging industry is changing to meet the demand. Here are the key trends:

Top Packaging Trends of 2024 Top Packaging Trends of 2024
Sustainable Packaging Solutions Top Packaging Trends of 2024

Trend 1: Sustainable Packaging Solutions

Sustainable packaging made from recycled materials (+ recyclable materials or raw material that can be recycled) is no longer simply a trend: choosing a sustainable packaging material has become the new normal for millions of brand owners and companies around the world.

Technological advancements have made it easier than ever before for brands to reduce their environmental impact and plastic pollution. This can be done by using biodegradable and recyclable materials instead of plastic, or by moving to a closed loop system that's aided by new technology. Many brands are finding that their customers simply demand sustainable packaging from them and are making every effort to reduce their plastic waste and overall environmental impact by avoiding fossil fuel based plastics as often as they can.

CarePac is one of those packaging companies that is proud to offer a variety of sustainable materials for your product packaging, and we're adding more sustainable packaging solutions each and every year! In today's world, there's simply no excuse for e commerce brands to not use eco friendly inks and packaging. Protecting the environment and reducing waste in the packaging industry is NOT just a fad!

Trend 2: AI-Supported Smart Packaging Design

Let's face it: artificial intelligence is everywhere and unlike other innovative ideas, it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. Currently, artificial intelligence is transforming the design process for each and every customer, from design concept to production.

This new technology helps enhance creativity and efficiency, and makes it easier than ever before for companies to come up with innovative packaging that will enhance product shelf life and help attract even more consumers. The main downside to using artificial intelligence is that much of the design work will still fall on the companies themselves, which can be difficult for many brands to swallow.

If you prefer to work with humans (let's face it -- who doesn't!), our consulting services can help make your plastic and paper packaging ideas a reality. By working with humans, you won't have to worry about silly mistakes or oversights ruining your customer's unboxing experience.

AI Supported Smart Packaging Design Top Packaging Trends of 2024
Retro and Nostalgia Styling Top Packaging Trends of 2024

Trend 3: Retro and Nostalgia Styling

Although simplistic packaging material and modern designs continue to be popular among our customers, we're seeing a resurgence in the popularity of vintage designs. These retro designs evoke a sense of nostalgia, and major food packaging brands and companies like McDonald's and Wendy's are jumping on board.

One decade that seems to be exceedingly popular among consumers is the 50s. Think: bright colors, watercolors, and simple line drawings that will wrap your consumers in the arms of comfort. These packaging designs are sure to continue to grow in popularity, so start designing now!

CarePac has the capabilities to produce intelligent packaging that looks like it comes from any decade, and will draw attention to your brand. Playing with memories and mood is a powerful tool in advertising, and brands seeking to evoke those feelings through their packaging should look no further.

Trend 4: Hyper Contrast

With attracting a customer's attention being harder than ever, the visual experience of a package's design is just as important as its functionality. Gone are the days of mono material packaging: today's e-commerce packaging needs to include vivid colors that contrast which each other, which helps create a spark of joy and interest in the things your customers are purchasing. In the past, many packaging companies took a "less is more" approach to their packaging, but those days are in the past.

If you want to infuse your food or cosmetics packaging with vivid colors, we can help. Regardless of the colors or how saturated you want the bag to look, our team can help make your bag a reality.

Hyper Contrast Top Packaging Trends of 2024
Interactive Engaging Designs Top Packaging Trends of 2024

Trend 5: Interactive & Engaging Designs

Another of the trends where where we're seeing a lot of growth is packaging that enhances user interaction, such as using tactile materials and augmented reality features. It can even be as simple as using popular digital tools, like an app or QR codes to make your packaging more 'fun' to the user. Gone are the days when a product's packaging just served to protect what's inside - now your packaging can actively engage your customers and help your brand grow rapidly.

Bonus points if your product's packaging also encourages sustainability by incorporating reusable packaging, or providing warnings against single use plastics. Anything brands can do to increase recycling rates in a cost-effective manner is key.

Trend 6: Working with Leaders in the Packaging Industry

We might be biased here, but we're finding that more and more e commerce companies are choosing to work with leaders in the packaging industry vs newcomers. The truth is, the packaging industry is incredible complex and there's a lot to keep track of: packaging materials, smart packaging, supply chain issues, reducing waste, sustainable, and which materials can be recycled, among other things.

By working with a smart packaging company that focuses exclusively on packaging processes, you can take a lot of the guesswork out of the process. We'll handle supply chain issues, quality concerns, waste management, and know exactly which plastic materials can be recycled. We even have access to state-of-the-art technology and more materials than many other packaging companies do.

Ready to create the paper packaging of your dreams that falls into one of the above trends? Want to cut back on waste without sacrificing quality? In our world, the customer is always right and we're ready to make you a repeat customer. Contact us today to get started!

Working with Leaders in the Packaging Industry Top Packaging Trends of 2024

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Commercial Composting: How it Works


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Commercial Composting: How it Works

What is Commercial Composting?

Collectively, businesses and ordinary citizens can make a major impact on the future of our environment by attempting to reduce our carbon footprint, improve our air quality, and reduce waste in the landfill.

Popular methods used by the zero waste community to reduce waste and preserve natural resources include recycling, going vegan, using solar energy and recycled materials, driving an electric car, shopping secondhand, and composting organic material so it doesn't wind up in the landfill. In this lens, organic waste refers to food waste, yard waste, and even certain compostable plastics.

In this blog, you'll learn more about commercial composting for individuals and businesses and how the composting process can help reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions in the environment.

What is Commercial Composting Commercial Composting: How it Works

How Commercial Composting Works

Curious about how industrial composting works? Commercial composting, also called industrial composting, is exactly what it sounds like: it's a natural process that uses the same biological processes as at-home composting, except on a much larger, industrial scale, to turn compostable materials and waste like grass clippings, yard waste, shredded newspaper, and food scraps into a nutrient rich compost that's then incorporated into soil.

When it comes to commercial composting, there are four main types used by industrial composters: vermicomposting, windrow composting, pile composting, and vessel composting. We'll discuss each of these compostable options for waste below.

Vermicomposting Food Waste Commercial Composting: How it Works

Vermicomposting Food Waste

This composting process most closely resembles home composting except it can be used by businesses: compost bins are filled with compostable materials (like green waste and food waste), and worms are then added into the compost bin. Over time, the worms break down the organic materials into a soil that's rich in nutrients. Though this industrial composting method is relatively quick, it's not easy to manage at scale and is typically used by individuals hoping to reduce their landfill waste.

Windrow Composting Yard Waste Commercial Composting: How it Works

Windrow Composting Yard Waste

Windrow composting is a process that's incredibly popular in high-volume settings. This type of industrial composting collects and arranges organic waste into long rows known as "windrows." Doing so allows biodegradation to occur while air still reaches the core.

This industrial composting method does have some disadvantages: this method of composting requires a lot of space (has minimums for feet high and wide) and must be periodically turned by a machine. If the turned windrow (aka aerated static pile) isn't properly aerated, issues can occur with soil temperature.

Static Pile Composting Commercial Composting: How it Works

Static Pile Composting

In this industrial composting method, piles of organic materials are mixed with debris like wood chips or paper. The compost pile is then aerated using pipes that pump oxygen to different layers of the compost bin, which maintains the appropriate moisture levels and temperature.

The big drawback to this industrial composting method is that different types of organic materials compost at different speeds, so the companies must sift through and separate yard trimmings from greasy items and motor oil before they are added to the compost pile.

In Vessel Composting Commercial Composting: How it Works

In-Vessel Composting

In-vessel composting is considered to be the most cost-effective way to compost commercially. For this method, composting facilities shred and mix organic waste together, and then palace them into a commercial composting machine. This material is sanitized by high temperatures that kill off harmful bacteria. Once complete, it's left to mature in an enclosed space.

Benefits of Composting Organic Waste

There are many benefits to using a commercial composting facility to compose organic waste. The primary benefit is that it prevents food waste and garden waste from winding up in the landfills, where it will release methane and contribute to global warming.

Think of composting like recycling: instead of recycling a plastic bottle to be given a second life as a different plastic bottle, you're giving your organic waste the chance to become nutrient rich soil in a finished compost pile.

In addition to reducing what's in our landfills, compost piles also minimize the amount of chemical fertilizers used by farms and homeowners. Since composted organic matter becomes nutrient rich soil, using chemical fertilizers is not needed as often.

Benefits of Composting Organic Waste Commercial Composting: How it Works
Challenges of Commercial Composting Facilities Commercial Composting: How it Works

Challenges of Commercial Composting Facilities

Commercial composting facilities do face their own unique set of challenges. First, industrial composting facilities often require a lot of space and must adhere to specific zoning regulations. Next, encouraging individuals to actually recycle their organic matter isn't easy. Finally, in many cases, waste management companies must separate organic matter from each other to ensure the compost quality is at its highest.

Industrial composting can also attract pests and other common contaminant. Additionally, not everyone does it right, which can contribute to more compostable waste in the environment.

Commercial Composting FAQs

What are the different methods of commercial composting?

The different methods that waste management companies use for commercial composting at their facilities are vermicomposting, windrow composting, static pile composting, and in-vessel composting. For more information about which method is used in your area, contact your waste management company for more information. They will also be able to tell you which materials are compostable.

What is the difference between commercial composting and home composting?

The primary difference between commercial composting and home composting is the process, scale, materials, and methodology. Home composting can be done at home, while commercial composting requires special facilities with a broader range of tools and technologies accessible to them. Though the process, in general, is the same, each process is still quite unique.

What does it mean to be commercially compostable?

Only certified compostable products (and food) can be composted at an industrial composting facility. If a product says it can be commercial compostable, that means the materials can be sent to a commercial composting facility for the composting process. Every city has its own guidelines for individuals and businesses interested in composting, so check with your city to learn more.

Regardless of the type or method of commercial composting used, it's certainly a step in the right direction for our environment, as it reduced landfill use and methane production.

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A Technical Guide to Custom Packaging Design


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A Technical Guide to Custom Packaging Design

Introduction to Customized Packaging Design

While creating custom packaging can seen daunting, it doesn't have to be scary. If you're thinking about designing your own packaging, you'll soon come to realize that there are a lot of things to think about: minimum order quantities, corrugated packaging vs non-corrugated packaging, deciding on the right size, pouch or box style, how to set up the design file, and so much more! 

Fortunately, we're here to clear up a lot of the questions you may have about product packaging. Learn more about the technical nuances with our expert tips that can help elevate your branded boxes, pouches, and packaging products. 

Introduction to Customized Packaging Design
Understanding Your Brand and Audience

Understanding Your Brand and Audience

First things first, you need to align your brand's packaging design with the identity of your business. Of course, this requires you to truly understand your customers. Analyze the preferences and habits of your target audience: where do they usually shop for handmade goods or candles? Do they stress out about using recyclable or compostable materials and inserts, or do they not really care? 

If you haven't already done market research or set up buyer personas for your business customers, you'll want to do this ASAP. This way, you can customize your custom mailer boxes to align with their core values, budget, and interests. 

Design Fundamentals

Next, you'll want to think about the key elements of product packaging design. This includes the colors you want to incorporate into the design, in addition to typography, imagery, and size. So many of our customers do not take size into account, and purchase branded boxes that are too big or too small for their products. In addition to packaging your product, you'll need to account for extra room for packaging materials (packaging peanuts, wrapping paper, etc.) and any branding materials you'll be sending along with your product. 

For this step, it's important to understand that you'll be balancing aesthetics with functionality. After all, if your shipping boxes look fantastic but don't properly protect the products inside, they're pretty useless, right? And if they're functional but don't include branding or your logo, that's not ideal either. 

Design Fundamentals
Material Selection for customzed packaging

Material Selection

Now comes the fun part! (OK, maybe it's just us...) Different packaging materials serve different purposes and have advantages and disadvantages over other materials. We cover each of our materials pretty in-depth here, but here's the basics about some of our most popular materials.

  • CareClear- Our line of clear polyester laminated films. Clear materials allow for viewing windows and for the product inside to be seen by your customer.

  • CareFoil- Offers a very high barrier since it incorporates a layer of aluminum foil. Perfect for uses where maximum shelf life is required.

  • Care Kraft- Our Kraft material is perfect for uses case that require a natural look and feel, without sacrificing barrier. Kraft gives a paper look to a plastic bag.

  • CareRecycle and CareCompost- Our line of recyclable and compostable materials. Perfect for use in scenarios where opting for an eco-friendly choice is essential. 

  • As you can see, there's a lot to think about when it comes to selecting a material. Our team can help guide you through choosing the right material for your branded packaging. 

    Technical Aspects of Packaging Design

    As you probably guessed by the title of this section, this is where it gets pretty technical! Luckily, our team of friendly technical experts will guide you through the individual specifications, but here's the gist of it. The technical aspects you'll need to take into consideration include: dimensions, bleeds, and print specifications. You'll also need to take into account the sustainability considerations of your material choice, especially if sustainability is important to your core customer base. 

    Again -- we know this can get complicated, so it's important for us to point out that you won't be alone in this! We're here to help you customize your branded boxes so they meet your exact specifications. 

    Technical Aspects of packaging design
    Compliance and Legal considerations of customized packaging

    Compliance and Legal Considerations

    As you probably already know, each industry has its own standards and regulations, especially around material use and labeling requirements. For example, the cannabis industry requires very specific information and graphics to be added to custom packaging, including item quantity and information about third-party quality testing. The cosmetics industry, on the other hand, requires information to be added about animal testing and shelf life. 

    Although we are more than happy to help design and personalize custom boxes or shipping boxes that adhere to regulations, we encourage all our customers to check with their preferred legal counsel via phone for specifics. In some cases, they can even provide a template. 

    Choose CarePac for Your Custom Shipping Box

    As you can see, we're experts in everything you need to know about customized packaging and shipping boxes, including box style, the best placement for your logo, and which type of material is the most sturdy or budget friendly. We are here to help, and we encourage you to experience the CarePac difference for yourself. We are family owned and operated, and you won't be just another number to us. We handle each business partner with respect and care, and can help make your idea a reality. 

    Contact us today to get started on your custom mailer boxes. We provide Instant Quotes for your convenience, and you can also order samples or connect with us directly for more information. With zero setup fees or drama, we're the best choice in the industry. 

    Choose Carepac for customized packaging

    Design FAQs: Custom Boxes & Pouches  

    Here are a few common questions we receive about the design and production of custom boxes. 

    - How do I choose the right materials for my custom packaging boxes & pouches?

    There are a few important things to consider when choosing materials for your custom boxes, including the functionality and aesthetics of your bag. Functionality: think about barrier, durability, user experience, and size. Aesthetic: think about color, finish, and size. If your bag looks nice, protects the product inside, and doesn't burst or break during transport, it's a win! 

    - What are the key elements to consider in packaging design?

    The key things to consider in packaging design as it relates to your custom boxes include: design, material, compliance and legal considerations, logo placement, bag shape, artwork, and costs, among other important considerations. 

    - How do I optimize my packaging design for production?

    To optimize your packaging design for production, consider loading of the product (how much room you need to load your product in the bag), how you will seal the bag, and whether or not your product will fit in the bag with enough room to seal and not have it burst.

    - Where can I find inspiration for my custom printed boxes?

    To find inspiration for your own box options, browse the aisles for samples at your local store or check online! You may also find good inspiration on social media. 

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    Aerospace Packaging Solutions


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    Aerospace Packaging Solutions

    The aviation industry is highly regulated and all plastic bags and pouches must meet very strict specifications. Whether it is a bag that will contain sensitive electronics for an extended period of time, or pretzels that will be distributed in-flight sometime in the near future, each must meet specific aviation standards and regulations.

    As a leading supplier of all types of plastic packaging to all industries, CarePac understands the stringent requirements of the aerospace industry. We're committed to providing a range of aerospace plastic bag solutions that not only satisfy our customers, but also meet the specifications of the highly regulated aerospace industry.

    Benefits of Aerospace Packaging Pouches

    Secure and reliable, our aerospace packaging solutions are engineered to protect airline parts, embodying flexibility and industry-specific innovation. Our packaging solutions for the aerospace industry offer a few key benefits, including dry product and corrosion shielding. Learn more about each below.

    Protect Dry Products

    Our barrier bags have extremely low moisture vapor and oxygen transmission rates, meaning the components inside will be protected every step of their journey, including during long term storage. By trusting CarePac with your packaging solutions, your components won't harden or cure when exposed to heat or pressure, thanks to the high-quality materials and design. 


    Protect Against Corrosion

    We also provide barrier bags specifically for packaging components that are susceptible to corrosion during use and storage, especially after being used for many years. Since damage to engine or electrical components can mean the difference between life and death, it's important to trust packaging manufacturers (like us) who can offer the utmost in corrosion protection. 

    Why Choose CarePac for Aerospace Packaging

    Here are just a few reasons why CarePac is a favorite in the industry for mil spec packaging:

    We're experienced

    With over two decades of experience, we've worked with many clients in the aerospace industry throughout the years. We understand the logistics and complexities of the industry and aren't afraid of the regulations and strict packaging requirements. 

    We're reliable

    Not only are we as experienced as they come, but we're reliable. You will receive your shipping when promised, and you'll be kept up to date on any changes. This is incredibly important in the aerospace industry, where a late shipment can delay commercial flights and damage reputation for many years.

    We offer full customization

    If the packaging will be used by airline customers, customization is as important as fast production, logistics, and meeting other specifications. We can customize the bag to include your logo or any other branding that's suitable for the specific use case. 

    We're friendly and approachable

    And, on top of that, our customer service simply can't be beat. Our friendly team of design experts will help you design the bag for your use case. Whether you need aviation packaging for transport, ones that will protect against grease, or be made from specific materials, we can help. 

    How to Implement Recycled Plastics in Your Packaging Strategy

    If you're ready to reduce the use of fossil fuels and take the leap into sustainable packaging, and feel that PCR packaging is the right choice, implementing recycled plastics into your packaging strategy isn't difficult. The initial step is to assess feasibility of shifting to PCR packaging: audit your current packaging and supply chain, and evaluate how using packaging made from post consumer resin pellets will change this. 

    Next, you'll need to partner with the right suppliers and recycling facilities who have experience with these packaging types. Ask them about their experience with recycled products and which eco friendly packaging options they can offer you. Finally, work with them to determine what the best practices are for designing your packaging with PCR materials to maintain packaging effectiveness. 

    Packaging for Aerospace Industry: FAQs

    Here are a few common questions we receive about our aerospace packaging. 

    Can Carepac provide custom packaging solutions for unique aerospace components?

    Yes, we can create custom packaging solutions for a variety of use cases, including unique aerospace parts. We aren't afraid of a challenge! 

    What is Carepac’s MOQ?

    We have a low MOQ so you won't be tied to purchasing an exorbitant amount of packaging that you won't be able to use. 

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    Sustainable Packaging

    Exploring PCR Plastic: A Sustainable Packaging Shift for Businesses


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    Exploring PCR Plastic: A Sustainable
    Packaging Shift for Businesses

    What is PCR plastic?

    PCR plastic, which stands for post consumer recycled plastic, is an eco-friendly packaging process that utilizes recycled materials from PET bottles and existing plastics, giving them a second life in the supply chain. With billions of pounds of plastic waste generated each year, there is a serious need to expand the use of PCR plastics for new products.

    What is PCR plastic

    Advantages of PCR packaging

    While all recyclable plastic packaging is a step in the right direction for brands and businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint, there are several specific benefits worth discussing, including marketing advantages and adhering to regulatory compliance. 

    Environmental Benefits

    The environmental benefits of using PCR packaging should go without saying. Using post consumer recycled plastic in lieu of other more wasteful materials can work towards reducing landfill waste, conserving precious resources and raw materials, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The environmental impact of recyclable packaging is the core benefit of using PCR plastics.

    Environmental Benefits
    Marketing Advantages

    Marketing Advantages

    Beyond using less energy and fossil fuels to manufacture and recycle, brands shouldn't overlook the marketing advantages of using PCR packaging. By adding messaging to your packaging about your company's sustainable manufacturing process and how it supports recycling programs, you can meet consumer demand for recyclable packaging, ultimately enhancing your brand image. 

    Regulatory Compliance

    As time goes on, more and more local, state, and federal regulations will focus on reducing the waste in the environment created by plastic packaging. By using PCR packaging now (instead of when you're "forced" to), you can beat the regulatory bodies to the punch and be prepared for future regulations on the use of recycled plastics for plastic bottles and other plastic products. 

    Regulatory Compliance

    Challenges of Using Recycled Plastic Packaging

    Of course, as with any type of material used for packaging, PCR plastic has some disadvantages. It's important to weigh any short-term challenges with long-term benefits before deciding if PCR plastic packaging is right for you. Our team can help you evaluate both sides to make a decision. 


    The reheating process in creating this type of product packaging can alter its color and clarity. Though it foes not hinder functionality, it can clash with the aesthetic of some brands. Fortunately, many customers are forgiving of slight discoloration if they know it's enhancing the circular economy.

    Discoloration pcr packaging
    Supply chain complexities in pcr packaging

    Supply chain complexities

    The availability and consistency of the supply is not always guaranteed (because, after all, it requires that consumers recycle), which can cause delays. To help encourage recycling, some brands are printing information about how to use a recycling center on their new packaging. 

    Cost implications

    The initial upfront cost of using post consumer recycled material is more expensive than other options currently available. Still it's worth noting, that the long-term positive impact on the environment and meeting sustainability goals trumps any short-term financial impact of using recyclable packaging. 

    Cost implications of pcr business packaging

    How to Implement Recycled Plastics in Your Packaging Strategy

    If you're ready to reduce the use of fossil fuels and take the leap into sustainable packaging, and feel that PCR packaging is the right choice, implementing recycled plastics into your packaging strategy isn't difficult. The initial step is to assess feasibility of shifting to PCR packaging: audit your current packaging and supply chain, and evaluate how using packaging made from post consumer resin pellets will change this. 

    Next, you'll need to partner with the right suppliers and recycling facilities who have experience with these packaging types. Ask them about their experience with recycled products and which eco friendly packaging options they can offer you. Finally, work with them to determine what the best practices are for designing your packaging with PCR materials to maintain packaging effectiveness. 

    Future Trends & Innovations in PCR Packaging

    As time goes on, we expect more innovations to be made in regards to post consumer resin and how post consumer recycled content is made and used. As technology improves, plastics will be more widely recycled and regular plastic film (aka virgin plastic) will become less and less common. 

    We also anticipate that there will be an uptick in collaborations between companies and recycling initiatives, similar to how companies like Lush provide freebies to customers who bring plastic cosmetics containers back to the store for recycling. 

    Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we anticipate legislative changes that will impact the use of PCR products. These changes will likely mandate the use of PCR content in finished products so more plastic material is kept our of the landfills and our larger environment. 

    CarePac: Your Partner in PCR Packaging

    Regardless of the type of product you produce, a higher percentage of customers are focusing on the distribution chain and how it impacts the recycling stream. Fortunately, one plastic type that checks all the boxes and has a good shelf life is recycled PET packaging. Unlike virgin resin or virgin plastics, PCR packaging is created using plastic waste that already exists. 

    If you're ready to discuss switching to PCR packaging, you've come to the right place. With decades of experience in the industry, and a passion for sustainable packaging, we can help you get started. Contact us today. 

    CarePac_ Your Partner in PCR Packaging

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    What is Embossing


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    Embossing Guide: Elevating Packaging
     with Textural Enhancements

    What is embossing?

    If you've ever wondered "what is embossing", you've come to the right place. This guide will help you learn how to elevate your packaging with luxurious textural elements, setting your brand apart with a unique touch. You'll learn how to choose the right materials for the embossing process, designs to consider for the embossed pattern on your packaging, and how to choose the right partner to help you create a polished appearance through a custom embossed effect. 

    Understanding the differences between embossing and debossing

    Although this article discusses embossing specifically, we want to take the time to discuss debossing, since the two are often confused. If you touch the surface of the card and can feel a raised texture, this is an embossed image. If you touch the surface and feel a depression, this is a debossed image. Understanding the differences between the debossing embossing process can be confusing, so hopefully this helps!

    understanding between embossing vs debossing

    Embossing process: Embossed image techniques

    When it comes to embossing paper, there are a few different embossing and debossing techniques to consider, including blind embossing, heat embossing, combination embossing, and the dry embossing technique. We'll discuss each of these embossed designs and paper embossing techniques below. 

    Blind embossing

    This embossed paper technique allows you to add textured elements to your card stock or emboss paper using a heat tool, embossing powder, embossing ink, and a stamp. Heat embossing can be complex, but in general it involves foil emboss stamping or writing with a special ink, sprinkling embossing powder over the design, and heating it with a heat gun to create the desired raised effect. 

    Blind embossing
    combination embossing

    Combination embossing

    Combination embossing involves embossing and foil stamping the same image, and is given this name since it is quite literally a combination between standard embossing and foil stamping. Usually embossing metal plates (also called a sculptured die) will be used in this process, and it's best used with folding carton boxes, corrugated boxes, or rigid boxes. 

    Dry embossing

    Also referred to as relief or paper embossing, this technique involves creating a raised or textured pattern on paper or cardstock without using ink or heat. Blind embossing is a type of dry embossing, because it uses a stamped image to create an embossed or debossed pattern in lieu of using ink. 

    Dry embossing
    Registered embossing

    Registered embossing

    With registered embossing, a blind embossed image is placed with another element created using ink, foil or a second embossed image to create a unique 3D design. The registered emboss technique creates depth and texture, and is ideal for folding cartons and paper packaging, including paper mailers, floor displays, and branded wine bags. 

    Choosing the right materials for embossed packaging

    Typically, the best materials to use for embossing are card stock, rigid cardboard, or thick paper or other materials that provide a bit of rigidity. One household item that's commonly embossed is a business card, where the logo or name of the individual is in a raised area. 

    Design considerations for embossed packaging

    There are a few design considerations to keep in mind as you create your embossed packaging: 

    Choose the location carefully

    Look closely at your packaging to determine the exact location you want the embossed image to go. This way, you have a better idea of sizing and the space that's available for other details or images. 

    Choose the correct location carefully
    Convert your graphic to vector format for embossing

    Convert your graphic to vector format

    You want to convert your images into a vector format in order to keep the quality of the design. When using vectors, you can resize a graphic as big or small as you would like without compromising the quality of the image.

    Do not go overboard with your design

    Keep it simple! Too many details can muddle the graphic or distort the image. As a rule of thumb, the simpler you can make the design for the embossing or debossing process, the better the results will be. 

    Do not go overboard with your design in embossing
    Think about the back while embossing

    Think about the back

    When considering an embossed design, it is incredibly important to think about the reverse side of your card or packaging. If you plan on customizing or using the backside of the paper, you may want to consider a different technique. 

    Select your material wisely

    Last but not least, select your material wisely. We discussed some appropriate material to consider above, but if you're in doubt our CareDesign team can help you select the right material for your design. 

    embossing vs debossing Select your material wisely

    CarePac: The embossing experts

    At CarePac, we have been crafting packaging that has a shiny or polished appearance for years. We have experience with both embossing and debossing, and have a state-of-the-art die cutting machine. We'll help you select a material, work with you to determine if using metal is appropriate, and can even create a beautiful multi level emboss design for your packaging. 

    You started this blog wondering "what is embossing" and we hope we've provided some clarity. Ready to get started on your project? We are, too! Contact us today to get started. 

    CarePac_ The embossing experts

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    Laser Cutting The Science of Laser Cutting in Packaging Design
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    The Science of Laser Cutting in Packaging Design


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    The Science of Laser Cutting in Packaging Design

    Laser cutting is an extremely precise and versatile method that uses a laser beam to cut various shapes or objects out of plastic, acrylic, or other materials, regardless of material thickness. In packaging design, specifically, laser cutting with a focused laser beam ensures dimensional accuracy, and is more accurate than many other types of cutting, regardless of material thickness.

    Additionally, laser cutting with a laser beam is a cutting edge technology often used to cut materials for prototyping or low-volume production runs.

    Sometimes referred to as laser scoring, laser cutting also means that packages can be opened effortlessly because they're constructed with materials that provide clean and easy opening. If you sell or manufacture products that will be opened by a consumer (think: candy, coffee, or any other type of snack), then our laser cutting capabilities should be considered. 

    How Does Laser Cutting Work?

    As you probably guessed, the laser cutting process works by using a laser cutting machine and a high-powered laser beam to cut materials. These laser beams don't cut or melt and don't waste heat or have high power consumption; instead, the laser beam vaporizes the material which prevents it from catching fire or degrading. The laser wavelengths can be visible or invisible to the eye, depending on the light spectrum of the wavelength. The laser beams pass through several mirrors before converging at a single spot.

    A special laser cutting software in the laser systems moves the laser head/module back and forth over different materials via an automated process, per the settings that are entered into the computer controlled machine via computer numerical control (CNC).

    As soon as the laser beam lands on the intended target, the temperature increases, causing sublimation. Depending on the strength of the laser beams, this process can be done in one pass or may require several passes to cut materials with the laser head. 

    What Materials Can Be Cut By a Laser Beam?

    As a packaging and pouch provider, we typically use the focused laser beam to cut through plastic material, paper, or cardboard, but laser cutting can be used to cut through a various materials, including very thick materials and thin materials, too.

    Since not all materials are compatible, particularly thicker materials, here just a few other materials that can work with laser cutting technologies to create extremely precise cuts. From wood to metals, learn about the various materials that can be used with a laser generator:

    Laser cutting machines are often used to cut through wood, regardless of the material thickness. If you've ever held a wood Christmas ornament or seen cutting boards with letters engraved into it, these are two examples of how laser cutting is often used with wood.


    If your application requires an attractive, clean, and beautiful finish, using acrylic in tandem with laser cutting is a good choice. Awards, trophies, and decorative items and figurines that are made out of acrylic are often the result of laser cutting.


    This is where CarePac shines! Some of the plastic materials that are suitable for use with a laser cutting machine include: acrylic (PMMA), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE), and polypropylene (PP), just to name a few. Different plastics have different melting points, so always check with a professional about material compatibility.


    Since laser cutting can create extremely clean cuts, it can be used to cut shapes out of different types of fabric, including cotton, silk, polyester, and leather.

    Paper and cardboard

    Have you ever seen a beautiful paper lantern with intricate shapes cut into it, or seen a beautiful wedding invitation with lots of embellishments? Chances are both of these items were created by using laser cutting in combination with paper or cardboard materials.


    Since metal is so hard, it almost always requires a high powered pulsed laser beam to cut through it. For cut metal, specifically, using fiber lasers is ideal, since this type of laser is high power and produces very high energy laser pulses. Need to cut metal? Using a high power laser is key. 

    Why Laser Cutting for Custom Pouches?

    When it comes to laser cutting for custom pouches, there are a few things that separate this type of industrial cutting technology from others. Here are just a few of the core advantages of laser cutting:

    Extremely precise

    Laser cutting is perhaps the most precise cutting process, especially when compared to other manufacturing processes. If accuracy and preciseness is important, using laser technologies is the best choice.

    Very efficient

    Producing products using laser cutting is extremely efficient. The metal cutting industry, in general, has tried-and-true processes in place that can create intricate designs with laser processing in a very short mount of time.


    One of the best parts of partnering with a laser cutting business for your marketing materials or products is that it's highly customizable. Since the high powered laser only cuts where you tell it to, cutting thick materials is just as easy as cutting thin ones.


    The laser cutting process is often used for short runs and prototyping, so you won't be tied to large orders. This is one of the key advantages of laser cutting machine.

    Now that you know more about the advantages of laser cutting, read on to learn more about two different manufacturing processes that use laser cutting: laser perforation and scoring. 

    Laser Perforation & Scoring

    With laser perforation and scoring, your barrier films can be made "breathable", meaning you can package things that need to breathe, like fresh-cut produce. Some common applications for laser scoring include:

    • Fresh-cut produce

    • Steam release for microwaveable packaging, like popcorn.

    • High-altitude burst elimination

    • Venting of excess air in bulk packaging that can build up over time.

    Since laser scoring requires no tooling, it has a lower up-front cost, making it a viable alternative to more traditional plasma cutting methods. 

    Why Choose CarePac for Your Laser Cutting Needs

    With decades of experience in the flexible packaging industry, CarePac is your go-to source for all your laser cutting needs. We have access to the highest-quality laser cutting machines and technology, including fiber lasers, transverse flow lasers, and high power CNC machines. Our laser cutting services are affordable, efficient, and we proudly perform all work in the USA.

    Our CareDesign team is on hand to answer any questions you may have, from the desired cutting width to how our high energy fiber laser works. Contact us today to get your project started.

    Laser Cutting FAQs

    What materials can be laser cut for packaging purposes?

    A variety of different materials can be used with a seed laser, including paper, plastic, cardboard, stainless steel, and acrylic.

    Can laser cutting services be used for all types of packaging designs?

    Yes. As long as the high energy laser beam is compatible with the material you're using, our laser cutting services can be used for all types of packaging designs.

    What are the cost implications of opting for laser-cut packaging?

    Though the cost of laser cutting services varies greatly depending on on the laser power and whether it's a fiber laser or uses radio frequency energy, it does have its advantages in that it has low start-up costs.

    What is the turnaround time for producing laser-cut packaging?

    Laser cutting services typically take 2-4 days, but this depends on a variety of factors, including the project size, the types of laser used, and the type of material (i.e., stainless steel is more expensive for laser cutting machines to cut through than other materials.) 

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    Foiling Techniques for Eye-Catching Packaging Designs


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    Foiling Techniques for
    Eye-Catching Packaging Designs

    When it comes to selling your product, first impressions matter. And the best way to make a good first impression is through your packaging design. If you're looking for ways to take your packaging solutions to the next level, there are a variety of custom packaging techniques to choose from, including embossing, debossing, and foil stamping. Which you choose ultimately depends on the substrate and the type of unique designs you're most interested in creating. 

    In this blog, we'll discuss foiling techniques in custom packaging, including the metallic foil stamping process and the unique benefits of foil stamping.

    What is foil stamping?

    Foil stamping is a specialty printing process that uses metal dies, heat, and pressure to apply foil films directly to your packaging in a thin layer. Although hot foil stamping is the most common form of foil stamping, some companies opt for a cold foiling printing technique, which uses UV light to transfer the metallic foil (instead of heat and pressure) to your packaging material. 

    For the sake of this blog, we will discuss using hot stamping foils to create eye catching designs, specifically. Read on to learn about the different types of foil stamping applications and techniques, regardless of your preference for a matte or glossy look.

    What is foil stamping
    Common foil stamping applications

    Common foil stamping applications

    Often used in stationery, labels, holiday cards, certificates, book covers, and post cards, the addition of a gold or silver foil to your product packaging can give it a very elegant and high-end appearance. Although gold foil is an incredibly popular choice, there are a variety of metallic foils and foil colors to chose from, including holographic foils, metallic or copper, silver foil, and foils with a glossy finish. 

    Different foiling techniques in packaging

    Based on the substrate, type of finish, and desired effect, you can choose from one of these hot stamping techniques. Learn more about the different methods of gold foil stamping below. 

    Flat metallic foil stamping

    With flat foil stamping, a copper or magnesium metal stamp or metal die transfers the foil directly onto the substrate. This is a simple, and economical process and is ideal for companies on a strict budget. 

    Vertical foil printing

    With vertical hot foil stamping, silver or gold foil designs are stamped directly onto flat packaging and paper products in specific cylindrical shaped areas using heat. 

    Sculpted foil stamping

    This hot stamping technique uses metal dies to achieve a raised image via embossing the material. The end result of this stamping process is a clearly designed and "carved" look. With this technique, you can feel the stamped area with your hands.

    Peripheral foil printing

    This stamping process involves transferring foil to the outer perimeter, across the entire circumference, of the product. As you probably guessed, this stamping option is a more expensive option since it involves adding the metallic foil film to the entire package. 

    Design considerations for foil stamping

    If you're considering incorporating gold foil into your packaging designs, here are some quick tips to keep in mind as you explore the many different types of materials and designs: 

    • Use vector art instead of bitmap or raster as you prepare your file for printing
    • If you're adding stamping foil to text, in most cases, the minimum recommended font size is 8pt (also remember that types appear bolder in foil then they do in ink)
    • Space out your text for enhanced readability
    • Remember that gold foil printing can be combined with other elements, like high gloss or a rainbow effect. You also aren't limited to gold: you can choose silver, metallic paper, or holographic foil.
    Design considerations for foil stamping
    Evaluating the costs

    Evaluating the costs of adding metallic foils into your packaging

    Foil stamping may not appear cost effective from the start, but the process can help increase the perceived value of your brand. Whether you're competing with other brands or want your brand to reach a new target audience, foil printing is a great option. Whether you opt for gold foil, holographic foil, or one of the other types of foil stamping, one thing is for sure: foil stamping is eye catching and the perfect way to enhance your brand image, regardless of the color or types of foil you use. 

    Choosing the right partner for foiling

    As you can see, foil stamping and foil printing is an incredibly complex process. It's important to find a partner that's well-versed in foil stamping, embossing, debossing, and other printing techniques. 

    Fortunately, CarePac lives and breathes product packaging and is very experienced with hot foil stamping. Our CareDesign team can help walk you through the stamped process, from the design stages all the way through shipping. With CarePac, creating the packaging of your dreams is possible! Contact us today to get started. 

    Choosing the right partner for foiling

    Foil stamping FAQs

    How does foil stamping enhance the visual appeal of a brand's packaging?

    Since foil stamping produces a reflective and vibrant finish, it can help catch your customer's attention. Gold, silver, or holographic foil stamping can also make your product more noticeable and attractive on the shelves. 

    Can foil stamping be integrated with other design elements on packaging?

    Yes! With foil stamping, you aren't just limited to...foil stamping! You can create packaging that also includes features like soft touch, matte, or holographic or metallic paper elements or materials. 

    What is the turnaround time for a foil stamping project with CarePac?

    Our innovative lead-time menu gives you more control over your printing or stamping project. We offer Express, Standard, and Economy options. You can learn more here.

    Do you offer foil stamping prototyping before final order placement?

    Yes! If you want to see your foil stamping project before you put in a large order, there's no pressure. Just inquire about our printing and prototyping options as you get started with your design. We're ready to help you achieve the perfect packaging on a timeline that works best for you. We can also help you select the right material, whether you prefer a matte or glossy look. 

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    World Tea Expo Pouch Packaging Provider


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    World Tea Expo Pouch
    Packaging Provider

    About the World Tea Expo

    You've spent years crafting the perfect blend of chamomile and ginger, but are concerned about the fierce competition in the tea and beverage industry. Or maybe you're the vice president of a brand new tea brand and are hoping to network and cultivate meaningful new relationships in the tea and coffee industry. Or perhaps your current packaging just doesn't seem to keep your tea fresh and your business is seeking some professional advice from other packaging suppliers... 

    If this sounds like you, the World Tea Expo is probably already on your radar. With eight international world tea pavilions, a tea bar, a team primer certification, and a beverage challenge, the World Tea Expo is the premier expo for the tea industry. And, if you fall into the third category, we're especially looking forward to meeting you and discussing some fresh ideas at this year's World Tea Expo in Las Vegas! 

    Why CarePac?

    We're a premier packaging partner for companies of all sizes. Our customers range from the smallest tea shop to the largest tea manufacturers, and everything in between. Not only does our packaging help with preventing deterioration of your tea, but it'll provide an outstanding barrier against organic vapors. 

    Tea leaves might come from around the world, but your packaging shouldn't. All our products are proudly made in the USA, and we pride ourselves on being a small and family-owned company with low MOQs. This doesn't mean we can't handle volume, though! Regardless of the size or scope of your project, we can help create the perfect packaging to complement the unique flavors of your latest blend. Bonus: it might improve taste and increase sales, too! 

    Why CarePac for world tea expo

    Pouches we offer to the tea industry

    Although we offer hundreds of different bag and pouch variations, if you're researching the World Tea Expo you probably only care about tea! Here's some quick information about the wholesale packaging our services have been creating for companies in the tea industry: 



    Our gusseted bags are ultra durable and allow the pouch to stay upright. Though it's an older bag configuration, it's still an incredibly popular choice for the tea industry. 

    Stand up pouches tea expo

    Stand up pouches

    With over 50 materials available, we have a material that will ensure your stand up pouch has superior seal strength and will keep the packaged teas inside as fresh as they were the day the pouch was packed. 

    2-seal and 3-seal pouches

    2-seal and 3-seal pouches

    2 and 3-seal bags are very easy to pack and seal and can include a zipper or hang hole for added customization. 

    All three packaging options will help extend the shelf life of your tea, meaning your customer will be happier and the big box retailers you partner with will be, too! Keep up with trends in packaging and partner with the best of the best. 


    Customization options to consider 

    The tea industry is seeping (pun intended!) with competition, and standing out from the crowd comes down to marketing and packaging. Fortunately, we can help with both by customizing your packaging in a creative and fun way that will keep up with trends and showcase your teas. Here are a few areas of customization to start thinking about: 

    • Materials- For tea and coffee, we recommend CareSilver-PVP, CareFoil- PAP, and CareKraft-MKVP.
    • Printing/finishes- We can print using digital or rotogravure and offer pouch finishes that include gloss, matte, and soft touch effects.
    • Zippers- Do you sell your tea or coffee in bulk and need a built-in zipper to help extend the shelf life of your tea? We can do that!
    • Tamper proof- We can incorporate tamper proof elements into your bag so your customers know if their tea has been tampered with before purchase.
    • Eco-friendly options- In today's environment, finding eco-friendly bag options is more important than ever. Even better, our sustainable options provide the same quality as our regular bags.
    • Roll stock options- Keep your business moving with roll stock options that work with a form fill seal machine and assembly line.

    See you at the Expo!

    Want to talk to us in person about your packaging needs or sustainability goals? Curious about how we can help your restaurant or business succeed in a highly competitive market? Have questions about our customization process and how it can help with marketing your product? You can catch us at the 2025 World Tea Expo!

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    Heritage Packaging Competitors & Alternatives for Custom Pouches

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    Heritage Packaging Competitors &
    Alternatives for Custom Pouches

    Established in 1990, Heritage Packaging provides unique sustainable packaging and protective packaging solutions that can't be bought off the shelf. Their team of packaging engineers, machine operators, and fabricators work together to create packaging solutions, including food packaging, for their clients. 

    Although Heritage Packaging is one of the leading manufacturers in the packaging industry and developed a state-of-the-art packaging feature, they aren't for everyone. If you're hoping to learn more about Heritage Packaging alternatives, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we'll discuss some of Heritage Packaging's key competitors and emerging players in the flexible barrier packaging space. 

    CarePac: The Preferred Vendor for Sustainable Packaging Alternatives

    CarePac hertiage packaging alterntaives Heritage Packaging Competitors & Alternatives for Custom Pouches

    Unlike some of the other Heritage competitors on this list, CarePac lives and breathes flexible packaging. We have 10+ years experience in the industry, and constantly seek plastic alternatives and sustainable packaging that will help reduce your carbon footprint. If you're trying to avoid single use plastic and are looking for a biodegradable alternative that produces less waste, our solutions can help. 

    But, don't just take it from us. Take it from our happy customers, who said this on Google: "This company is amazing with their customer service and fast shipping. They also have a great amount of bags and pouches that your business could use. The products are durable with great quality and a professional experience. Be sure to check them out for your needs. I am positive you will be glad you did!"

    Curious about our other products, our company, our business model, our services, the materials we use, cost, trends in the industry, or anything else? Browse our website to learn more or contact us today

    Other Heritage Packaging Competitors

    According to Semrush, an analytical tool used for digital marketing purposes, Heritage Packaging's key organic competitors include: 

    Heritage Container

    Heritage Container is one of the leading sustainable packaging alternatives to Heritage Packaging. They believe that retail and food packaging is part of the product, and focus on offering packaging materials made out of sustainable materials. This Heritage competitor is ideal if you're concerned about carbon emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, reducing plastic waste in the landfills, your carbon footprint, and the environmental impact using single use plastic in your packaging. 

    the heritage container
    The Packaging Company

    The Packaging Company

    Based in New Zealand, The Packaging Company is a 100% locally owned and operated packaging supplier. They have 85 years of packaging knowledge, and are dedicated to providing the best price on their packaging, promoting product integrity, and high-quality service. Although their range of packaging products includes packaging alternatives like bubble wrap, liners, cardboard boxes, produce bags, and adhesive tapes, they focus primarily on the manufacture of custom printed polythene packaging. 

    Victor Packaging

    Victor Packaging is an innovative manufacturer of plastic tube packaging in South East Asia. Composed of six different packaging companies with 450 employees in Thailand, they offer a wide range of PBL tubes and PET bottles, primarily for the beauty industry. Their packaging is trusted by leading brands like L'Oreal, Nivea, and Amika, and their packaging can be used for a variety of health and beauty applications. 

    Victor Packaging
    ABC Packaging Direct

    ABC Packaging Direct

    ABC Packaging Direct is a global supplier of flexible packaging, including food packaging, pouches made from single use plastics, and styrofoam. They strive to be an end-to-end strategic packaging and sourcing partner for businesses of all sizes, and take a relationship-first approach to sourcing raw materials for their packaging. 

    The Need for Custom Pouch Packaging & Packaging Materials

    custom packaging solutions Heritage Packaging Competitors & Alternatives for Custom Pouches

    In recent years, there has been a growing demand for personalized and custom packaging solutions that also reduce plastic waste and protect renewable resources. Unfortunately, due to their sheer size and market value, Heritage Packaging and many of its key competitors simply cannot meet consumer expectations for packaging in this area. 

    To put it simply, fully customizing a packaging product using plastic alternatives while maintaining product integrity isn't easy, and doing so while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and avoiding wasteful paper mills is even more difficult. 

    Fortunately, packaging companies like CarePac are moving in the right direction. We can create flexible packaging that's 100% customized, allowing customers to create eco-friendly sustainable packaging that keeps its environmental impacts in view that accurately represents your brand. From the top of the bag to the bottom, we'll find solutions for branding that you won't find elsewhere in the packaging industry and do all of this while still caring for the environment. 

    Emerging Trend: Sustainability and the Environment

    One of the biggest emerging trends in flexible packaging centers on reducing the environmental impact of packaging materials. The three branches of sustainable packaging include landfill diversion through the development of materials that are easily processed by recycling facilities. Two, biodegradable plastic bags that customers can compost with other food waste, or send to a specialized composting facility. Third, using recycled plastic in the composition of the bags (also know as PCR or post consumer recycled. 

    Emerging Trend in heritage packaging Sustainability

    Sales of sustainable packaging alternatives have increased each year and with the adoption of sustainability goals by large companies such as Coca Cola which plans to "[m]ake 100% of our packaging recyclable globally by 2025— and use at least 50% recycled material in our packaging by 2030."

    So as the composition of the plastic that is used in bags and pouches changes, brands have to stock the biodegradable, recycled, and sustainable material that their customers are looking for. 

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